vrijdag 9 januari 2015

FOF: December recap

Hi everyone! Are you ready for a mountain of crocheted stuff? I have loads to show you!

No order in things here, except I might just end with the best ;)

I made some smaller things:

Bow ties for little big Chef, so he could be a neat little cat-man with Christmas!

A Little Leaf, which is a FreshStitches KitClub exclusive for now. Don't worry, this cutie will become available eventually!

Snowflake Sally is Larry Leaf's sister... Isn't she the best winter-ornament?

Then I made a load of birds!

Mal the Tiny Duck was a quick and nice little project.

Big Nelson

Small Nelson... Oh my! I just love these owls! I just keep wanting to make more and more!

Then I made Muffin, my sister's cat, some Sinterklaas presents... And I couldn't leave my sister out!

And I made my cat a little something too:

A snuggly cat-blanket! This is how you finish blankets quick, make them a tad smaller ;)

And then... I saved the best for last!

My snowman is done! Isn't he awesome!?

And he is no-melting... Loving a cozy snuggle-up before the fireplace! :D

Info on all of these projects (pattern, yarn etc) can be found through the links on my Ravelry-pages!
I hope you have enjoyed this crochet-goodness, it was a productive December-month!
See you soon!

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